My Soul Calling has to do with how the architecture of the Soul can land in this world.
Hence my work as a Creative, Intuitive, Spirit Guide/ Channel, Guide, Mentor, and Astrologer - is all in service to this higher purpose — which is to help You (Who You Really Are - Your Soul) to embody, and live a Soul-led life. One that is congruent, consistent, and authentic to your Soul’s architecture.
Most of society’s systems are incompatible with the Soul. Conventional systems largely block the Soul’s expression from entry. These blockages eventually translate to mental and physical health issues - which we see widespread all around us today. Normalised self-disconnection causes premature atrophy. For the Soul is largely unseen and starved. The human conditioned to operate in (normalised) hyper-vigilance, hyper-productivity, and fear — is a state unnatural to your central nervous system and simply one it can’t sustain.
Looking at the reverse possibility, a deeper and fuller understanding of your unique architecture, of your natural blue print ALLOWS Soul Expression and open channels to Your Long-term Sustainability in ALL aspects of Health in relationships, finances, mental, and physical health, and community.
Find the READING TYPE that matches your needs BELOW.
Reading TYPE 1: Natal chart reading
This Reading Session introduces you to your wiring and blue print, via a deeper understanding of your Birth (Natal) Chart.
It looks at events, your archetypes, blind spots, main challenges, points of trauma, and where the Soul call is to navigate through these - what’s the purpose?
Now that you have a better understanding of you and your resources as a planet, how do you navigate through life in a more empowered way?
Think of your birth chart as the architectural map to you as a house or planet. Gaining an understanding of that design, allows less blind spots and more optimal navigation and life choices.
This session runs for 2-3 hours Fee is USD$195.
This is a Transit Chart reading. This determines where the planets and universal forces, which are in constant movement, are situated right now (today’s current date).
This involves having a clear look at how these current transits and aspects are speaking to your Natal Chart/ your Blueprint/ your system/ your birth chart wiring and design.
Our lives go through cycles of birth, death, rebirth, integration, articulation.
Periods in our lives can be (1) a dark night of the soul, (2) a restart, (3) an integration phase, (4) a design phase, (5) a build phase, (6) a death phase, etc etc.
The transits will show the gateway you are sitting in, and what needs to be learned, mastered, and done differently.
This session runs for 2-3 hours Fee is USD$195.
Your Natal Chart is your architectural blue print.
Think of this as the wiring and design you came in with, which forms let’s say, 50% of one’s optimal understanding to navigate easier and optimally through this lifetime.
The other 50% of power and choice comes from your Soul deciding what to do with that blue print.
We also have interlaced in this journey, your wounded human history, imprint, trauma, and social conditioning, which then influences and affects to this date — your blue print, as well as your Soul!
The Spirit Guidance/ Channeling in this session brings in your Guides, Ancestors, and your Spirit Team. With me as filter and translator, we can then navigate through how those three major components of - blue print-design, Soul, and Human history and identification, are interacting.
Higher guidance, assistance, and direction is received, as to what your Spirit Team and Higher Self really want you to hear right now.
This session explains blind spots, patterns of stuckness, repetitive themes, what hasn’t been working, and guidance for major decision points.
Your Birth/ Natal Chart is brought in here, as it is important for you to see and factor in your Soul’s blue print and how you are designed and not designed.
Spirit will speak specifically to this architectural design and blue print, an how best to live moving forward.
This session runs for 2-4 hours Fee is USD$265.
The work in any of the above types of readings (Reading Types 1, 2, and/or 3), will ultimately, and at their core, support Soul Embodiment and articulation.
The paradigm of existence within human identification is vastly different to Soul identification and embodiment, which articulates into a Soul-led life.
Awakening to this is a process. And once clear with the stark disparity, there is also a slow and steady process of re-configuring perspective, your life’s new design, and clear action steps, to ground and express the Soul on this 3D human plane.
Majority of the global population are so heavily conditioned into the human paradigm and identification, that Soul identification and embodiment - and what that really means - is a foreign concept.
This is like learning a completely new language. It will change how you operate and redefine Self-Love in a way you have never imagined.
Ultimately, this transition is necessary on a level of mental and physical health, and sustainability. The misalignment or gap between your human choices and soul embodiment spells the difference between the physical and mental body’s health going through atrophy prematurely (typically starting at age 25-45); or it’s increased vitality through the years (the journey typically starts at 40/45/50, this is common in this day and age as physical maturity at around age 26, goes through dismantling, spiritual maturation and consciousness, evolving to age 40/45/50).
These sessions are design to assist you through re-structuring your life and Soul-relationship.
This is a set of 5 sessions fee USD1125.
These are a choice of Sessions 1 through 4, conducted for two people (a couple, or parent and child, for example).
Each individual’s reading is done in the presence of and interactively with the other person’s reading.
The two individuals and their interaction and dynamics are then read together as a whole.
This explains compatibility, incompatibility, blind spots, where interaction is optimal or can be made optimal, where interaction can grate and how to understand the other person’s planet better - as to allow clear, better, a more loving and nurturing, and functional dynamic. Via this deeper understanding of two planets and how they operate.
This is over 3-5 hours as one session, or over two 2-3 hour sessions, depending on the individuals involved and their readiness and capacity to digest. Fee for this package is USD$565.
This is a group reading (a choice from the Session Types 1-4 above) for members in a family unit, this involves 3+ individuals. For example, mum and dad, and a child/ children.
Or a group of individuals in a close working or team environment where different personalities need to be able to work together/ and there’s a need to (1) identify what’s not working; (2) optimise to strengths, (3) or manage repetitive conflicts.
For example, a soccer team, a school’s teaching team and leadership; a community team; etc. Ideal for groups or teams working in high-pressure environments where trust is essential.