What - ultimately - is neuro-divergence?

✨ Neuro-divergence is an evolutionary response to a harsh conformist culture that has normalised prolonged hyper-vigilance and hyper-production for centuries.

When neuro-divergence is so common and wide-spread, perhaps we should stop making it to be something wrong with the child, and instead start re-examining an outdated educational system that is Incompatible with and Un-Responsive to, our natural wiring as human beings.

It is our natural wiring to be diverse, creative, and robust, social beings.

We are not machines, we are human-beings.

Normalised conformity in learning environments and culture is outdated, non-responsive, irresponsible, and has done enough damage.

On a level of sustainability as a species, we need new more sustainable systems that are designed to respond to, and optimise our natural blue-print.

— ✨ Nic Anderson, 18 October 2023


An end to the body and mind’s addictions?